Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Secret

Last night is one of those very rare nights that I spent alone. I realized that I seriously forgot how it is to be alone. Everyday, from waking time until before I sleep, my two daughters are by my side. Last night, they were some place else. Yesterday afternoon, I was already thinking of things to do for my "me time". I thought of going out to have coffee or maybe go window shopping at the nearby mall. But then I decided to watch the horror movie I just downloaded from the net. Turns out that the movie doesn't have English subtitles. I looked for other movies I haven't watched yet that are kept on file in my laptop. I came across the film/documentary "The Secret".

It's been almost 5 years since I've watched "The Secret" for the very first time. Again, it was my mom who gave the DVD to me. I set it aside for a few days before watching it on one of the days I have nothing left to do. I was so surprised and amazed with what I've seen in that film! For a while, I thought I was living The Secret already since I was mostly getting what I want in life. I had terrible things happening to me but then I realized that this was what I was attracting myself to have. Until as recent as yesterday, there were things that upset me, and yes, I know now more than ever that The Secret is true! I won't go into details because most of the events are just too personal. Let me just say that I was in a near death experience and I lived, I needed almost half a million pesos and I got it in less than 24 hours, someone truly special to me wasn't supposed to live, or at least should have been abnormal but is now one of the most normal people walking on earth. If I made those things happen in the past, why can't I do that again?

I can and I will make it happen. As early as now, I am thanking God for giving me all the blessings that are still in my mind and haven't actually materialized yet. I am just lucky that I was given a hopeful heart and a determined mind. Nothing in this world is impossible to achieve. We are all made up of the same thing which is energy.

I'll write more on The Secret soon. If you can get a copy of the book or the DVD, please do! It is worth every single cent you'll be paying for it. Check out the official website: The Secret

The Secret is a film produced by Rhonda Byrne. The book is also available in leading bookstores worldwide.

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